14 Items

  • Duart Castle

    5 Days Sailing The Western Isles of Scotland

    6 Days from £899

    Join this gorgeous 5-day sailing adventure around the enchanting Isle of Mull on Scotland's west coast. Explore rugged coastlines, historic castles, and beautiful anchorages. Discover wildlife, embrace nature, and enjoy superb sailing.

    • Calendar icon


      Monday 16th June 2025 - Saturday 21st June 2025
    • Medal icon
      Experience: None
    • Pin icon
      Region: UK & Ireland
  • Shetlands cliffs

    Scotland's Wild Islands to Norway

    12 Days from £2,399

    Sail and explore the Wild Islands of Scotland and Norway, including the Outer Hebrides, Orkney, Fair Isle and Shetland. Rugged beauty and magical wildlife.

    • Calendar icon


      Monday June 23 2025 - Friday July 04 2025
    • Medal icon
      Experience: Low to some
    • Pin icon
      Region: Norway, Iceland & The Arctic
  • Duart Castle

    5 Days Sailing The Western Isles of Scotland

    5 Days from £999

    Join this gorgeous 5-day sailing adventure around the enchanting Isle of Mull on Scotland's west coast. Explore rugged coastlines, historic castles, and beautiful anchorages. Discover wildlife, embrace nature, and enjoy superb sailing.

    • Calendar icon


      Monday 15th September 2025 - Friday 19th September 2025
    • Medal icon
      Experience: None
    • Pin icon
      Region: UK & Ireland
  • sailing yacht bluejay

    Sailing Skills & Mile Builder: Scotland - England

    7 Days from £899

    Sailing Mile Builder between Scotland's west coast & England. Wonderful sailing and a chance to learn sail trim, seamanship, navigation and seamanship from the expert Rubicon 3 skippers

    • Calendar icon


      Friday 10th October 2025 - Thursday 16th October 2025
    • Medal icon
      Experience: None
    • Pin icon
      Region: UK & Ireland
  • sailing the bay of biscay

    The Bay of Biscay: Passage Making Masterclass

    13 Days from £2,499

    Join an intensive sailing course crossing the Bay of Biscay, focusing on more advanced navigation, seamanship, and handling challenging offshore conditions. Initial training day with world famous sailors

    • Calendar icon


      Sunday 19th October 2025 - Friday 31st October 2025
    • Medal icon
      Experience: Day Skipper +
    • Pin icon
      Region: Europe & the Baltic